Voters Prioritize AI Safety Over Winning Race Against China, Recent Poll Finds
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A large majority of U.S. voters believe prioritizing safety in AI development is more important than racing to beat China, according to a new poll.

Key findings: The poll, conducted by the AI Policy Institute (AIPI), reveals strong bipartisan support for a cautious approach to AI development:

  • 75% of both Democrats and Republicans prefer “taking a careful controlled approach” to AI over “moving forward on AI as fast as possible to be the first country to get extremely powerful AI.”
  • 50% of voters believe the U.S. should enforce “safety restrictions and aggressive testing requirements” to prevent any country from building a powerful AI system, compared to just 23% who believe the U.S. should prioritize outpacing China.
  • 63% of voters think it should be illegal to export powerful AI models to potential U.S. adversaries like China.

The AI policy landscape: The poll suggests that American voters broadly disagree with the tech industry’s narrative that the U.S. must avoid AI regulation to maintain its competitive edge against China:

  • The findings indicate a desire for a “third way” approach to AI policy, with voters rejecting both a total halt on AI development and giving the industry free rein.
  • A recent Supreme Court ruling limiting federal agencies’ ability to apply broad rules to specific circumstances may hinder the government’s capacity to swiftly regulate AI, as Congress is slow to act on the issue.

Broader implications: The poll reveals a striking level of bipartisan consensus on AI policy, with both Republicans and Democrats supporting government limits on AI development to ensure safety and national security:

  • Earlier AIPI polling found that over 80% of Americans believe AI could accidentally cause a catastrophic event and prefer slowing down AI development to account for that risk.
  • The widespread skepticism of “open-source” AI and support for preventing the export of powerful AI models to adversaries like China suggest that voters prioritize caution and security over rapid innovation in the AI race.

As the U.S. grapples with the challenges of regulating increasingly powerful AI systems, this poll indicates that the American public favors a measured approach that balances the benefits of AI with the need to mitigate risks and protect national interests. While comprehensive AI legislation may not be forthcoming, policymakers will need to find ways to address voters’ concerns and craft effective AI governance strategies in the face of rapid technological advancement and geopolitical competition.

Exclusive: Voters Value Safe AI Growth Over China Competition

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